Dan S. Kennedy
No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs: The Ultimate No Holds Barred Kick Butt Take No Prisoners Guide to Time Productivity and Sanity
WARNING: This book is not for the fain of heart, fawningly polite, or desperate to be liked. This book is expressively for entrepreneurs and business owners who wear many hats―those who cant resist piling more responsibility onto his own shoulders, who has more great ideas that time and resources to take advantage of them, who runs (not walks) through each day. Your time is incredibly valuable to you, and you are constantly "running out of it."
Serial entrepreneur Dan S. Kennedy delivers a fresh take on the mantra "time is money" as he shows you how to drastically re-engineer your entire relationship with time and, if applied faithfully, achieve peak personal productivity and make lots and lots of money.
カテゴリー: | 本・雑誌・漫画>>>本>>>洋書 |
商品の状態: | 未使用に近い |
カラー&ライト リアリズムのための色彩と光の描き方
絵本 20冊 まとめて
みにくい日本人 / 高橋敷
keto・tarian ケトタリアン 日本語版★Dr. Will Cole
森博嗣 vシリーズ全巻セット
宅建士の教科書・問題集 2023年 TAC(赤シート付き) 新品未使用品